Wednesday, April 02, 2003


Today was the first time in my academic life that a professor has ever invited me to lunch; he said that I should think of lunch as a kind of congratulations for being accepted to a particular school - the flagship of the state as he called it. I accepted his invitation partially because it was free food and partially because I was very interested in hearing his general impressions of the college in question and my future prospects, especially regarding the holy grail of Masters Degree programs - the Teaching Fellowship! (The letter that I recieved was somewhat ambiguous in that regard.)

I felt a little awkward following the professor around. Over the past year or so, I've grown slightly sensitive to the Nerd issue as of late, and this kind of fraternization with a professor could propel my reputation beyond mere nerd to Ultra-Super-Nerd-factor-TEN! Oh well. Over tamales, I learned that he likes to watch 24, his wife remains unemployed, and he enjoys his long commute to work.