Thursday, April 24, 2003


Just got my graduation announcements in the mail today - graduation slowly creeps forward. My chosen school has also told me that I'll recieve a letter in the mail describing the next steps that I'll need to take. I also have an appointment tomorrow to discuss my graduation with the registrar to work out all potential screw-ups. The real trick for me during these last few weeks is to figure how to save and make money so I can survive the dry spell known as summer. (Although I know it won't help during the summer, I hope my FAFSA comes through relatively quickly.)

And to top everything else off, I broke my glasses. Let me tell you, for a literature nerd to break his glasses, especially when he has a couple of novels to read and papers to write, is practically debilitating. Fortunately, the ones that I broke were still on warranty, so the next pair are free, and that makes me feel a bit better.