Thursday, May 29, 2003


Immersed in an ocean of lassitude, with gentle waves rocking me in the warm tides of nothingness, I've let the currents of time slip past me without doing anything worth while. I think that stress has built up for so long that - among the many, many things that demand my energy and attention - I got an illness that should resolved already, I overslept and missed work yesterday, I forgot to turn in form that I should have turned in days ago, and I haven't paid any bills; now I'm flooded with work, tasks, and chores, but thanks to the unforseen, and slightly unwelcome, shut down of my body and soul, I think I'm better prepared to finish everything I've left undone.

As for Tuesday night, the award ceremony was a world class snore-a-thon that wasn't worth the time I spent there. Many of the individual departments elected to recognize as many as ten students, with each student listening to a two to five minute summary of their accomplishments, as well as the general impressions their professors have of them and their work. Expanded to a hundred and fifty students, and you have a horrifying and infinitely boring preview of our upcoming graduation ceremony. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to have to read my 2nd place paper in front of my colleagues and professors, which consequently will require some work to summarize and outline. I'm not sure, but I think I'll get a certificate there too. Tonight, if the goblins of my deeply felt lassitude are kept at bay, I'll practice reading it.