Wednesday, May 07, 2003


My linguistics class, although very fun, like the proverbial "herding cats" metaphor, has an inchoate and dispersed feel about it. I never figured that I would say this about any of the classes that I'm taking, but I have to admit that I think the class might be a little too fun; there should be a bit more lecture. (Ugh - my nerdly propensities are getting the better of me - must . . . resist. Sigh.) Some of the students careen too easily from the topic at hand - imitation as a writing skill for example - to a discussion about the instructor's personal life or hobbies, just one example being her upcoming surgery. Our instructor - very popular - has made friends with most of the students. Partially, my desire to discuss actual linguistics more comes from the fact that I'm personally becoming excited about writing and writing instruction. Okay, it may be boasting to say so, but I think that through our book, the handouts, and the discussion we are having in class, I just might improve my writing ability to become a much better writer.

I've decided not to worry about paying for graduate school for the time being, although I am going to call one of the schools to make sure I have all of the right forms necessary to apply for their financial aid; which reminds me, I also need to visit the financial aid office at my current college to finalize leaving and make sure that everything continues to be copasetic. Nevertheless, I've over-invested in worry, and am going to concentrate more on smoothly finishing the staid academic requirements of regular school for now.