Monday, October 06, 2003


Lately, I've had such a hard time figuring out what to write and how to write it that I'm now (of course) paralyzed with writers block. I haven't posted to the cellar here for some time, at least not as often as I had originally hoped, and I haven't made much progress on the assignment that has been blighting all of my thoughts and free time lately.

What is the assignment you may ask? Define the term rhetoric (5 pages) and give a ten minute presentation on the term to your fellow students. The problem stems from the fact that I'm not sure exactly what the specifications are for academic writing, meaning should I ramble on in my introduction about something that is only tangentially related to the topic at hand, and I'm not as excited about the topic as I should be. If I were more interested in reading articles that have all of the pleasant, end-of-meal satisfaction as a box of sawdust, then I'd be laughing because the paper would have alreay been completed. So, while I have finally tranferred all of my belongings to my new place of residence as of this last weekend, I can't exactly relax and spend a few minutes wacthing television because of my looming assignment. Your guess is as good as mine concerning what will happen tomorrow in class.