Friday, October 24, 2003

HTML Bumpers

One of the things that has been nagging at me for the last several days has been the general design of my site. When I initially created it, I took a little knowledge of HTML, an old blogger template, and combined it with the spirit of tinkering. I didn't really change the blog template so much as shifted it a certain way and tacked on a bunch of links. Afterwards, if I discovered something I liked, I tacked it on in pretty much the same way that I have tacked everything else on. So, even in spite of all the work that I have been griping about for the last several weeks, I'm thinking about pushing my web skills a little further and doing something a bit different. The holy grail of doing something different would be finding a host for some images, but that eventuality is at the end of a long line of school work and bills that keep getting in the way.

On a personal front, while fighting off a cold I've recently required - which was probably exacerbated by the fact that I was up until 2:00 a.m. grading essays for ENG104 - I'm finding that I'm coping with a general malaise that is brought on by something much deeper than the usual schoolwork. Unfortunately, although I have my theories, I'm not one hundred percent sure what the matter is. Consequently, I blew about five bucks in a Simpsons pinball machine at the student union. So long as I don't make it habit, I think it could be a good way to decompress now and again.