Sunday, October 02, 2005

Chore Day

Today, I managed to clean the house, wash the dishes, and get the laundry ready. The laundry, unfortunately won't actually get done until Tuesday, but I have enough clothing to last me until that long. Those who know me fairly well would also be shocked--SHOCKED, I tell you--to learn that I made myself dinner rather than succumb to the siren call of cheap fast food. The result of this dinner is as seen below.

Basic Chicken Dinner

Of course, if the above dinner just looks like some bland ten-minute-affair, I assure you--it is. I could have added some spices to the chicken or potatoes, or I could have used some vinegar in the peas. But I will resolutely focus on the positive and pat myself on the back for resisting the temptation of Burger King or Jack in the Box. The only thing left for today is a couple more chapters of homework. I have just finished reading Beowulf (in translation) for the second time. Tomorrow is the marathon day of classes (9-11am, 2-5pm, 6:30-9pm), but I am looking forward to it. Until next post.